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Feature Drop - December
Theodora Astepho avatar
Written by Theodora Astepho
Updated over 3 months ago

Oh Oh Oh, it's our last feature drop of the year! Have a look at what we have just released 🎁

Visitor Management: New Setting

Admins now have greater control over Visitor Management:

  • Control visitor space assignment: Admins can choose whether standard users can assign spaces to visitors. If disabled, the option will be hidden for non-admin users, ensuring greater oversight.

  • Visibility of assigned spaces: If an admin assigns a space to a visitor, users who created the visit will still see which space has been allocated.

Find out more here.

Hide My Name - User Preference

Following our release of the Hide My Name admin configuration, we are now releasing the user configuration!

The hide my name feature brings a new functionality to RICOH Spaces that, as the name suggests, allows users to hide their names when making a space booking.

In this first phase release, admins were able to set a local policy regarding the privacy of users' space bookings; In this second phase, users can select in their profile settings what booking information they want to show other users.

Find out more in our article here.

New Mobile App Version

Make sure to upgrade your app to our latest version 2.5.8 to enjoy a smoother experience and take advantage of our newest features.

Find out more here.

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