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Organisation Settings - Visitor Management - Settings
Written by Kiren Dosanjh-Dixon
Updated over 2 months ago

Within a location, you can configure your Visitor Management module. Find below an overview and explanation of its fifth section: Settings.

The Settings section allows admins to configure general policies around visitor management.

Note that those settings apply to visitor management in the selected location only.

  • Notify host upon arrival: when enabled, you will get notified via email.

Note: You can only select one method.

  • Email Invitations: Configure the default setting of email invitations. You can select whether the email is sent upon the visit creation or a set number of days before their visit.

Note: This setting impacts the default behaviour of visitor invites. When a user creates a visit they can choose to ignore the default setting and either toggle email invite on or off.

  • Default all employees as hosts: Select if any employees within your organisation host visits.

  • Allow standard users to assign spaces: When enabled, any users will be able to assign spaces to their visitors.

  • Custom invite message: The default email invite sent to visitors will only include the time, date and address of your location. Make the email sent out to your visitors unique, by including a custom message in the email. Click on the preview to display a preview of it.

  • Visitor Information: Once visitors click on the email's link to see details and pre-register, the visitor information message you have provided will also be displayed. You can provide your visitor with more information about your building, company or simply information the visitors might need (where they can park, building access, point of interest, etc).

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