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Managing Your Company in RICOH Spaces
Managing Your Company in RICOH Spaces
Written by Kiren Dosanjh-Dixon
Updated over a week ago

RICOH Spaces is a powerful tool allowing administrators to manage their whole company in one place. Organisation Settings, the module reserved to administrators contains a lot of information and handy settings. This guide will walk you through each section of this tab.

Note: The Organisation settings tab contains all the locations and allows you to implement decisions on a higher organisational level across all locations.

The Sub-tabs

  • Location: You can visualise your locations in that sub-tab and create a new location using the button 'Create Location' at the bottom right. Clicking on a location will take you inside the location, and open a new submenu.

  • Employees: It contains all your employees. You can search for a specific employee, decide who can host visitors, and view and edit employees' profiles. You can also disable employees, which means they won't appear in any searches.

  • Templates: Add a custom message showing before any desk booking and/or send an automatic reminder for employees to fill in their daily passes.

If turned on, it will be implemented across ALL locations.

  • Company details: Complete your organisation profile with your logo, name, a description. It is also where you add the domains allowed to log in to RICOH Spaces.

  • Groups: Create, upload and manage your AD groups.

  • Organisation Roles: Visualise the active roles, and assign, edit or delete roles.

  • Integration: This is where you connect all integrations to RICOH Spaces.

  • Location Groups: Create groups for similar locations in order to implement settings across locations more easily.

  • Settings: There you can hide visitors on the feed and hide the meeting titles from non-admins.

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