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Visitors: The Address Book

View previous visits, saved visitors profile pages, upload visitors, ...

Theodora Astepho avatar
Written by Theodora Astepho
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will go through all the functionalities of the Address Book, part of the Visitors Module.

Key functionalities:

  • Access previous visits' information

  • saved visitors' detail pages

  • Upload Visitors

  • Create Visitor

Note: Only global and visitor admins will have access to the Visitors module.

Create Visitor:

By clicking on 'Create Visitor', a new window will open where you will be able to add information about a visitor.

They will be added to the Address Book and you will be able to add them when you create a visit.

View Visitor Details:

View a visitor profile page by clicking on them. It will provide you with their details, count of visits and when they last came on site.

You can easily update their information, make them private (they won't appear in any searches) and delete them.

Note: You can only delete visitors if they have not done any visits. If they have visits associated with them, you won't be able to delete their profile.

Upload Visitors:

Bulk upload visitors into your Address Book by using the .csv upload option.

Simply download our template, fill it and upload it.

Filters & Search:

  • Search bar: search visitors using keywords

  • Email

  • Company

  • Phone number

  • Tags

Hover on a column to view more options:

  • Use the burger menu icon to change the column position

  • Use the down/up arrow to sort by ascendant/ descendant

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