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Organisation Settings - Documents & Media
Written by Kiren Dosanjh-Dixon
Updated over a week ago

As part of the Visitor Management module, admins can create questionnaires including files. This is helpful for companies requiring visitors to agree to Terms & Conditions, Standard NDA documents etc. In this article, we will go through the functionalities of this section.


Once you access your Documents & Media page you will see multiple elements:

  • Search bar & Filter by type ( PDF, URL, Video URL)

  • All documents & Media: This includes all your documents with their expiry date, validity date, file type and last update. You can click on:

    • Edit to edit the document title

    • The eye icon to Quick Preview the document

    • The document icon to create a new version of the document

  • Active: This only shows you the documents which are valid and currently part of the questionnaire flow.

  • Expired: Those are expired documents

  • Edit Columns: This allows you to decide which columns are displayed.

  • Archive: Your archived documents

Uploading Documents & Media

Click on Add Document to upload a PDF, paste a URL link or upload a Youtube/Vimeo URL.

Once you have uploaded your document or media, you can see a preview of it on the right side of your screen.

Next, give it a name. Make it memorable so that when you select it during your questionnaire creation process, you select the right one.

Expiry & Validity

  • Expiry Date: Set a date for this document to expire. When a document expires it removes it from the visitor sign-in flow.

  • Validity Period: Set a period of validity for the document against the visitor. Upon acknowledgement of the document, the visitor will not be presented with this document until after the valid period.


  • Acceptance: Add a requirement to this document/media for the visitor to acknowledge/accept the document.

When enabled, visitors will need to tick a checkbox.


How can you keep track of the expiration dates of documents?

RICOH Spaces will display a countdown of days before the expiration of your documents. Once a document has expired, you will see a notification at the top of your page.

By creating a new version of the document, this will allow you to reset an expiry date.

How can I see a list of all the people who have accepted my document?

Within a document details page, head to Compliance. There, you can see a list of visitors who have agreed to your document.

Deleting a visitor from the list will result in them being non-compliant against the document/media.

Where can I see if my visitor has accepted the documents?

Within the visitor module or Feed, you can view each visitor's details page including their questionnaire' completion status and answers.

What happens when I create a new document version?

This would change the status of any visitor who previously agreed to the replaced document. On their next visit, they will be presented with the new version of the document to accept.

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