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Visitor Registration
Visitor Registration
Written by Kiren Dosanjh-Dixon
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will go through the visitor registration process. By creating visits ahead of time, you ensure a seamless experience for your visitors as well as yourself. Let's get you started!

There are two ways you can create and manage visitors, through the Feed or directly into the Visitors module (if you have admin privileges) .

How to create a visit

1. Head to the Visitors tab or Feed.


2. Click on Create a Visit.


3. A new window will open enabling you to seamlessly create one or multiple visits.

3.1 Add Visitors: Complete the visitor fields to build up your visit/s. First name and Second name are always mandatory. Please note, that for the other fields, this depends on your Visitor settings.

Also, note that some fields relate to functionality such as emails. Without it, no email invites can be sent out.

Note: The design of your visitor panel might be different but the process stays the same. We are working on enhancements to it. Thank you 😊

3.2 Schedule: Select the dates and times your visitors will be on site.

3.3 Host: Select your host/s and organiser/s. Both can manage the visit but only the host will appear in the email invite. You can also select if they receive email notifications related to the visit or not.

3.4 Email Invitations: Enable the email invite toggle if you want emails to be sent to your visitors. You can then select when they are sent; immediately, on a specific date, or a certain amount of days before the visit date.

Visitor information:

You can select if you wish an email invite to be sent to them, if you want to add them to the address book and if you want to make them private*.

*This means that the visitor will be added to the address book but won't appear in any searches (outside of the Visitors Module).

4. Click on Create Visit.

Note: Only hosts and organisers will be able to manage visitors from their Feeds. Other admins with correct roles will only be able to manage the visitors from the Visitors Module.

5. Upon the creation of a visit, if you have enabled the option, the visitor will receive an email confirming the details of their visit.

They can then view details about their visit by following the link and completing the steps (should there be a questionnaire).

Note: The visitor has to submit the questionnaire for the answers to be submitted. Should they leave the page, they will have to start it all again.

Note: When the visitor completes their questionnaire, the hosts and organisers should receive an email informing them of that fact, should that have been set up in Visitor Management Configuration section.

Assigning visitors spaces

Admin can assign spaces to visitors. this can be a desk, parking, locker or even a meeting room. To do so, simply open your visitor details page and assign spaces.

Visitor Details

You can find in your visitor profile page all the details related to them and their visit, if the questionnaire status and activity log.

The ID number in the text field in the Visitor details window allows the receptionist at the front of the building to track visitors for the day by entering a given badge to the guest.

Note: You can print your visitor a label. View our dedicated article about it here.

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