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Managing Spaces - Desk
Written by Kiren Dosanjh-Dixon
Updated this week

Follow this step-by-step guide to create and manage your locations' desks seamlessly.

How to create and manage desks

1. Head to the Organisation Settings tab.


2. Find and click on the location where you want to create or manage a desk.

3. Within the location, navigate to the Spaces section. This section displays all the spaces of the location; Desks, Linked Spaces, Lockers, Parking and Spaces.


4. Hit the Create Space button at the bottom right of your screen to create a new space.

5. Using the newly opened window, select Desk, and give the space a name.


6. Hit Create Space.


7. Your space has now been created and you can see it displayed amongst the others.

8. To finish setting up a desk or edit it, find it in the list and click on it.

9. Customize the space using the different tabs.

  • Details: For all general information about the new desk. Its location, name,... you can even add a picture and description.

    • Space enable: The space is active

    • Space Bookable: The space is bookable by users.

    • By enabling "Use occupancy as availability", you will be prompted to fill in two fields; "minutes occupied before showing as booked" which is the amount of time the space has to be occupied before it is classified as occupied and "Minutes unoccupied before showing as available" which is the amount of time the space has to be empty before it is considered available.

Note: Desk enabled means that the desk is active, and bookable means that you make it available to book. If it's not enabled, it can't be booked.

Note: Space Bookable and use occupancy as availability cannot be toggled concurrently.

  • Calendar: You can integrate the desk into Google or M365 Calendars.

  • Amenities: Let users know about all the amenities available.

  • Assigned To: Assign this desk to one or multiple people, or groups and choose which days the desk is available to them.

  • Booking Slots: Set the hours within which the desk can be booked.

  • Layouts: This is not an option for desks.

  • Approval List: This is not an option for desks.

  • IoT: You can add sensors, which will then provide information about the status of the desk.

Note: Desk settings will be overridden by Zone policies and Global policies. For example, if you make the desk only bookable on Tuesdays by Group A but the desk belongs in a zone bookable only on Wednesdays by group B, the desk won't be showing as available on Tuesdays to Group A.

10. Don't forget to hit Save.

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