Have you just created a new location in RICOH Spaces and now need to add floors to it? This article will show you how to easily create floors within a location.
How to create and manage floors
Navigate to the Organisation Settings tab.
Select and click on the location you want to create a floor for.
Head to the Floors subtab. This displays all your current floors that you can rearrange or edit.
Click on the Create Floor button at the bottom right.
This opens a new window with fields to complete:
Floor Name: A friendly name for your floor
Floor Number: e.g. G, 1, 2, B1
Floor Type: Workspace or Parking
Design capacity (Numerical value)
Target capacity (Numerical Value)
Max capacity (Numerical Value)
Map orientation
Maps People ID
Desktop Floorplan
Mobile Floorplan (image)
6. Once that is done, hit Save. Your floor should have now been added.