Making sure that everyone can effortlessly navigate and engage with our web app has been a top priority for us. While there is always room for improvement, let's take a closer look at some of the enhancements we've already made.
The login page has Aria support ensuring all users can seamlessly identify themselves and access the platform.
The RICOH Spaces web application uses keyboard shortcuts. Find them below:
cmd/shift/arrowleft - focus on nav
cmd/shift/arrowright - focus on feed
Escape close popup
ctrl/cmd O - Open feed overview
ctrl/cmd B - Open feed bookings
ctrl/cmd T - Open feed loop
ctrl R - Rooms
cmd/ctrl D - Desks
cmd/ctrl Z - Zones
cmd/ctrl P - People
cmd/ctrl L - Location
cmd/ctrl F - Floor
cmd/ctrl shift D - Date
cmd/ctrl > - Forward Day
cmd/ctrl < - Back Day
cmd + ctrl N - Opening a create booking
cmd/ctrl shift F - Search Rooms
cmd + ctrl T - Jump To Today
cmd/ctrl L - Open Location Chooser
cmd/ctrl F - Open Floor Chooser
cmd/ctrl > - Forward Day
cmd/ctrl < - Back Day
cmd + ctrl D - Open Date Chooser