Hiding Meeting Titles
Written by Kiren Dosanjh-Dixon
Updated over a week ago

RICOH Spaces provides a global setting whereby meeting titles can be hidden from the view of regular users.

How to hide meeting titles

Note: You need to be a global admin in order to perform this action.

1. Head to the Organisation Settings tab.

2. Navigate to Settings.

Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 15.43.54.png

3. Enable the toggle 'Hide meeting titles from non-admins.

Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 15.44.36.png

4. Hit Save.

Note: RICOH Spaces cannot display meeting titles that haven't been provided by the Calendar provider API. Special configuration should be enabled to allow for this.

Note: As this is under organisation settings, turning this option on will apply to all locations within your organisation.

Once this setting is enabled only an admin (both global and location), delegated bookers, users with individual delegated booking permissions or the meeting host will be able to see and edit the actual title of a meeting booking when viewing the Room Schedule. All other users will just see the hosts' names displayed on the bookings.

Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 10.34.53.png
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