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Room Assignment & Approval
Room Assignment & Approval
Written by Kiren Dosanjh-Dixon
Updated over a week ago

As an administrator, you may not want to make all rooms available to everybody. For example, your office might have a boardroom that can be used only by specific employees. Instead of having to cancel bookings or make the room completely un-bookable or disabled, admins can now restrict access to it.

Assign the room and create an approval list

1. Head to the Organisation Settings tab.

2. Click on the location where you want to change a room's settings.

3. Within that location, head to the Spaces section.


4. Use the Type filter and select Space. This will display all the location's rooms.


If you look at the Requires Approval column, you can see which rooms currently require approval.


5. Head to the furthest right column to find the desired room's Edit button and click on it.


6. In the room's menu, within the Assigned To section, you can assign the room to users.

7. Hit the Save button. From this point on, all bookings made from RICOH Spaces for this room will send an approval request.

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