Using your feedback, We have completely revamped the RICOH Spaces Insight tab to provide you with a handy panel of graphs and tables. The Issue Management Overview report provides you with a comprehensive analysis of the issues raised and their resolution.
What the report can help you with:
Provides insight into initial issue volume and potential backlog.
Helps monitor ongoing issue workload.
Assessing efficiency and identifying areas for process improvement.
Useful for tracking trends and understanding issue volume over time.
Helps identify recurring issues and prioritise resolution efforts.
At the top of the report, you will see the available filters:
Date - Choose a predefined filter such as "last 90 days" or choose your custom start and end date.
Location Group - Select a location group.
Location Name - You can add one or more locations and the report will provide all the data relating to your choice.
Space Type - Filter by Desk, Parking, Meeting Room or Zone.
Space Name - Select one or multiple space/s by their names from the dropdown list.
Status - Filter by issues' statuses.
Category - Filter by issues categories.
Priority - Filter by issues' priorities.
Open Issues
Any issues with a Submitted, Active or On Hold Status.
Submitted Issues
Any issue with a Submitted status.
Issues Closed
Issues whose status is Closed. This metric excludes Cancelled and User Resolved Issues.
Average Resolution Time
Shows average resolution time for Closed issues. Resolution time is the duration from Submitted to Closed status.
What is the Current Status of Issues Raised?
Shows the date issues were raised and their current status.
What is the Current Breakdown of Issues by Sub-status?
Shows the current sub-status for live issues in the selected period.
Issues by Category
Breakdown of set categories for live issues during the period.
Issues By Priority
Breakdown of set priority levels for live issues during the period.
Which Spaces have the Most Reported Issues?
Shows the top 10 spaces by number of live issues during the selected time period.
Issues by Space Type
Breakdown by space type during the selected time period. In this example, we can see most issues reported were for desks.
Issues List
A list of all issues reported and their details.