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Services Report
Written by Kiren Dosanjh-Dixon
Updated over 11 months ago

The services report provides you with key highlights of the usage of your available services. This guide will walk you through the questions the report can answer and its key elements.

The Services Report can help you answer questions such as:

  • What type of services are most requested?

  • What is the total cost of the requested services?

  • Are service costs trending up or down?

  • What percentage of requests are approved vs rejected?

  • Which space has the most service requests?

  • What is the most popular time of day for services?

  • Who is requesting the most services?

  • Can you show me services for a particular cost centre?

Key elements of the services reports:

  • All reports offer a seamless design across all pages making it easier to use.

  • View multiple locations at once

  • Custom date range

  • Navigate with the chart icon to see your company's usage

At the top of the report, you will see the available filters:

  • Date - Choose a predefined filter such as "last 90 days" or choose your custom start and end date.

  • Full Name - Filter the data by selecting the name/s of people that have requested services.

  • Location Filter - You can add one or more locations and the report will provide all the data relating to your choice. This is a core filter and as such how all other filters act will depend on the selection here.

  • Group Name - Select from the drop-down list of groups available.

  • Space Name - Select one or multiple space/s by their names from the dropdown list.

  • Cost Centre - Filter the data by cost.

Note: Whenever you change the filters you must click on the reload icon at the top right of the report to refresh.

Key Metrics of the Services Report

  • Total Services Approved

This is the total of services admins have approved during the select period. At the bottom of the metric, you can see how much this metric represents compared to the total of services that have been requested. In this example, 131 services approved represent 19% of the total services users have requested.

  • Total Service Requests by Day of the Week

This graph highlights the count of requests by day of the week. It also breaks down the count of requests by categories for better visualization. In this example, the majority of services are requested on Monday and most of them are catering.

  • Who is requesting the most services?

This chart displays requester names as well as information related to their request/s. You can easily sort the data to see who is requesting services the most, and how many of those have been rejected or accepted.

  • Which space has the most service requests?

This table displays all space names for your select filters. You can see the count of service requests for all spaces. In this example, most services requested were for the 5.1 Cadbury room.

  • Which space has the most approved requests?

Displaying the space names and count of service requests, you can see which spaces have had the most approved requests. If you compare it to the previous table, not only 5.1 Cabudry had the most requests but also the most approved ones.

  • Services Status Breakdown

This chart presents you with a breakdown of services status: cancelled, requested, approved, rejected.

  • Cancelled services are services that have been cancelled by users (e.g. not needed anymore).

  • Rejected services are services that have been submitted but rejected by an admin.

  • Requested services are services that have not been processed yet.

  • Approved requests are services that have been submitted and accepted by an admin.

In this example, 44% of services submitted have been cancelled.

  • Most Popular Service Type

This chart shows you the breakdown of the services requested. Which services are the most popular? In this example, we can see catering comes first, followed by booking (room approvals), layout and equipment.

  • What is the most popular time of day for services?

This graph allows you a clear visualisation of the peak times for services (when the services are requested). This can help you foresee demands and prepare for peak hours ahead of time.

In this example, we have a peak at 18:00, we could imagine that those late meetings often transform into catering requests for food items.

  • Service Request List

This table contains all the service request information; request number, full name, email, requested time, due date, status, job category, location name, space name, cost of services and count of job items.

You can sort, freeze columns and copy values.

  • Rooms Approval List

This table focuses on the room approval requests. You can find the request number, full name, email, requested time, due date, status, job category, location name, space name, request status and cost of services.

You can sort, freeze columns and copy values.

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