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Ghost Report
Theodora Astepho avatar
Written by Theodora Astepho
Updated over 7 months ago

The ghost report informs you about the minutes and spaces wasted on booked but unused areas. With clear metrics and graphics, it highlights the most relevant information, helping you better understand your spaces and locations to make effective improvements.

The report provides you answers to queries such as :

  • The space/money/minutes wasted on booked but unused spaces.

  • How many minutes are wasted in each room, who's wasted the most minutes?

  • On the ghost meeting, was the room check-in active and did it cancel the meeting therefore saving time

  • In recurring meetings, which are the worst offenders, how do I find them and cancel them?

  • What percentage of minutes in available meeting room time are actual ghost meetings, therefore allowing me to quantify the waste of time

At the top of the report, you will see the available filters:

  • Date - Choose a predefined filter such as "last 7 days" or choose your custom start and end date.

  • Day of the week - Choose which days to include/ exclude or select "matches" for advanced options.

  • Location Filter - You can add one or more locations and the report will provide all the data relating to your choice. This is a core filter and as such how all other filters act will depend on the selection here.

  • Floor name - Choose which floors to include/exclude or select with the help of advanced filters.

  • Space Name - Choose the spaces to include by selecting their names from the dropdown list.

  • Space type - Select the type of spaces you want to include/exclude from your report.

  • Zone Name - Filter by zones.

Please note that whenever you change the filters you must select "Update" for the report to refresh.

Key Metrics of the Ghost Report

  • Number of unattended desks that are booked

  • Number of unattended meetings that are booked.

  • Total Ghost Bookings

  • Average ghost bookings per day

The average amount of ghost bookings registered per day.

  • Peak ghost booking counts

The highest count of ghost bookings registered at once

  • Unoccupied booking minutes:

The total of minutes spaces have not been occupied even though they have been booked.

  • Ghost bookings by Day of the Week

This graph provides you with information regarding the day of the week having the most count of ghost bookings. This could help you find patterns within your data and enable you to find solutions to reduce ghost bookings.

  • What time do ghost bookings occur?

This graph provides visibility over the peak time when ghost bookings occur. In this example, we can see that at 5 PM, 3 bookings were registered as ghosted.

  • Which users have the most ghost bookings?

This metric will provide you with a list of users who had ghost bookings. By default, it will list the user with the highest count of ghost bookings at the top. You can use the column sorting options to change the display of the table.

  • How were bookings cancelled/ released?

This pie chart will provide you with information regarding the reason a booking has been released or cancelled if it was done by the user or by RICOH Spaces (following your location policies).

  • Ghost booking list

This table provides you with all the information regarding ghost bookings: user names, locations, spaces, floor names, etc

  • Utilised Bookings vs Ghost Bookings

This graph provides you with a quick understanding of the minutes waisted, used and booked by location.

  • What percentage of ghost meetings are recurring bookings?

Out of all your ghost bookings, how much do recurring bookings account for? This pie chart will display the amount ( in per cent) that the recurring bookings account for. This could help you understand if ghost bookings are recurring bookings that might have been forgotten or if they are stand-alone meetings that users have ghosted.

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