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Booking a Service
Written by Kiren Dosanjh-Dixon
Updated over 2 months ago

When booking a room you may need approval, request a different room layout, or need catering or equipment to be provided. In RICOH Spaces we call these requests services.

Services can be:

  • An approval request: The room to be approved

  • Layout request: A new layout to be actioned in the room

  • Catering request: Catering to be provided

  • Equipment request: Equipment like webcams or microphones to be provided

How to request catering or equipment?

1. Head to the Room Schedule tab.

2. Create a meeting.

3. Complete the meeting's details.

4. Select whether you would like to add catering or equipment. Once you click on one of the services, this should show all the options available.

5. Once you have selected all the desired items, you will be presented with a summary screen. Select the delivery time, add a comment if needed and tick the box 'Agree that all dietary requirements have been confirmed" (for catering requests only).

6. You will receive a booking notification email once you have submitted your event.

7. Once your service request/s have been reviewed you will receive a notification confirming if they are approved or rejected.

How to request a room layout or get the room booking approved?

Head here to book a layout and/ or linked room.

Some rooms will require approval. If so, once you have submitted your booking, this message will appear:

"You will receive an email notification once your service request/s have been reviewed confirming if they are approved or rejected. The room booking on schedule will also reflect the status of the service you requested."

Note: There's no service, layout or meeting room booking if it's not approved.

Note: If you move an approval room booking (only in that scenario) including visitors to another date, your visitors won't move with it. You need to change manually the visit's date or create a new one.

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