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Performance Tuning - Update -5th June 2023
Written by Kiren Dosanjh-Dixon
Updated over 4 months ago


RICOH Spaces v2 has been experiencing some intermittent degradation in performance for some customers in specific areas of the application. Please refer to our previous article posted on 18th May 2023


Following detailed analysis, it was identified that enhancements were required across the architecture to fine tune the application and platform interaction. A change plan was created to address this.

The programme of change required implementing over a period of time to allow for monitoring and assessment, recommendations included:

  • Application integration enhancements

  • Implementation of Redis, an industry leading memory cache solution

  • Cloud Nat enhancements to support distribution of services

  • GCP Serverless VPC Connector fine tuning for load management

  • Pre-calculated Data loading process changes

Status Update

The first set of changes were applied in the April release, the second set of changes (which included the first phase of Redis) were applied in the mid May release on 15th May and a third set of changes were applied last week in out end of May release.

Following the changes in April and mid-May we saw some significant improvements in performance with latency reduced, some requests 3 x faster, even during peak periods. We continued to monitor performance against the 95th percentile of requests, whilst we progressed further recommendations.

Following last week’s changes, which involved the pre-calculated Data loading process changes, we are pleased to report that we have seen significant improvements across the platform.

Latency against requests have drastically reduced, in some areas there are improvements of nearly 60% during peak periods and up to 70% on quieter days/times.

Whilst monitoring will continue across all peak trading times, we believe the Spaces platform is now meeting service level agreements in relation to performance.

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