Smart Displays Release Notes
Written by Kiren Dosanjh-Dixon
Updated this week

The following is the Change Log for the RICOH Smart Displays application for Android devices. For information on installing the application please see:

If you have access to GitHub, this change log is also available here

Version 3.1.14


* Removed Android backup capability `android:allowBackup:false`

* Disabled audio when using the camera

* Removed `firebase_storage`

Version 3.1.13


* Visitor Panel - Added additional `try catch` blocks around visitor sign out
* Visitor Panel - Added additional logging to visitor sign out
* Visitor Panel - Updated translations

Version 3.1.12


Improved end meeting now via QR code by using the timezone within the end now QR code. If the timezone is not provided, use the selected locations timezone.

Version 3.1.11


Visitor Panel - Reduced the amount of time animations take to play by changing how we await API responses.

Added try catch blocks NFC functionality to prevent grey screens.

Added better logging around the app using Firebase Crashlytics.

Version 3.1.10


Room Display - Added error message fix for cancelling meeting via NFC.

Version 3.1.9


Visitor Panel - New employee NFC scan to check-in or set the in office status.

Version 3.1.8


Visitor Panel - Improved the visitor sign-in process across different timezones by setting `expectedDate` in the API.

Version 3.1.7


Room Display - Added encrypted shared preferences

Visitor Panel - Added label selection for all compatible paper for QL, TD, RJ, MD brother printers

Visitor - Panel - Fixed iOS simulator builds by excluding arm64 architecture from brother printing pod

Visitor Panel - Fixed an issue with iOS printing labels in only black and white by using halftone BRLMPrintSettingHalftoneErrorDiffusion

Version 3.1.6


Room Display - Locally storing booking IDs for ended and cancelled bookings (cancelledUids and endedUids) to filter out future event data

Room Display - Fixed an issue with cancelled bookings reappearing once cancelled, ensuring event data is up to date

Room Display - Fixed an issue with the times for ended bookings showing incorrectly, ensuring event data is up to date

Room Display - Improved booking cancelations process by ensuring time slot availability is kept up to date, and filtering out ended and cancelled bookings, ensuring no reappearance of cancelled bookings

Version 3.1.5


Added debug print statements for all screen dismissals

Added route checks when dismissing NFC screen

Added FlutterError.onError Print events

Visitor Display - Added safety around animations to ensure they only run when the widget is mounted, and remain performant

Visitor Display - Fixed an issue with employee profile images in cases where they could not be retrieved

Visior Display - Added visitor badge printing via WiFi and Bluetooth, and printer settings for brother printer models: QL,TD, RJ MD

Version 3.1.4


Room Panel - Added additional support for space availability preference ahead of slot availability

Room Panel - Added new filtering for getUsersBookingsForDay should the query return too many results

Room Panel - Fixed an issue where the current booking would display even though it is already finished

Room Panel - Added additional support for space availability preference ahead of slot availability

Version 3.1.3


Room Panel - Fixed an issue with meeting overlay checked in text

Version 3.1.2


Visitor Display - Fixed an issue with sign in QR URL

Version 3.1.1


Visitor Display - Added new support for dark theme

Version 3.1.0


Interactive Floorplan Display - New Interactive Wayfinder screen configuration type

Version 3.0.10


* Fixed an issue with app closure in VXL Kiosk mode - `onDestroy` failure where `mSocketClient.stop()` was called where `mSocketClient` was `null`.

* Fixed an issue with token expiry when idle - requesting `IssueNewScreenToken` every 10 seconds, rather than the default 30 minutes, when the `publicScreen` request fails.

Version 3.0.9


* Room Panel - Added new support for Qbic hardware LED lights where IP address is not provided. Where `getWifiIP` fails `localhost` is used to request a Qbic authentication token e.g. `http://localhost:8080/v1/oauth2/token`

Version 3.0.8


* Room Panel - Added new support for room occupancy

* Room Panel - Added additional support for overlapping booking detection

* Visitor Display - Fixed an issue with overlaying dialogs

* Fixed an issue with theme text colour

* Fixed an issue with Settings menu text translations

Version 3.0.7


* Room Panel - Fixed an issue where LED Lights do not change on room availability for Phillips devices

* Visitor Display - Fixed an issue where NFC tags were repeatedly detected and actioned

Version 3.0.6


* New warning dialog when changing language

* Fixed an issue where tokens were not checked for expiry before refreshing

* Visitor Display - Fixed an issue with default background colour

* Visitor Display - Fixed an issue with taking a visitor photo on devices with a camera

Version 3.0.5


* Visitor Display - Added new support for NFC tags with additional functionality around desk check-in

* Room Panel - Fixed an issue with event booking auto-cancellation

* Room Panel - Added additional safety to auto-cancellation without check-in enabled

* Room Panel - Increased text-button interaction area

Version 3.0.4


* Room Panel - Fixed an issue where booking cancellation would fail

* ProDVX - Fixed an issue with manufacturer light support

Version 3.0.3


* Room Panel - Fixed an issue where multiple auto-cancellation warning emails are sent

Version 3.0.2


* Fixed an issue where 'no connection' was incorrectly displayed

* Room Panel - Fixed an issue where minutes before check-in or minutes after check-in policy are not set

* Room Panel - Fixed an issue with identification of the current event

Version 3.0.1


* New 'no connection' screen

* Added support for `isodep` NFC tags

* Added new automatic timed dismiss for pop-ups

* Added functionality to stop device sleep

* Added functionality to identify a deleted configuration

* Room Panel - Fixed an issue with 'End now' on Google spaces

* Visitor Display - Fixed an issue with default country code

* Removed IP Address display from Settings
Version 3.0.0


* Room Panel - Brand new Room Panel compliance with RICOH Spaces V2

Version 2.3.16


* Room Panel - Events marked as private show the organiser name instead of the event title

* Room Panel - NFC booking prompt is only shown when capable

Version 2.3.15


* Added additional language support in Visitor Display

* Fixed a bug where Google events were not retrieved from the correct collection

* Added support for`compileSdkVersion 33`

Version 2.3.14


* Added Landscape restriction for all modes

Version 2.3.13


* Added further support for `deviceData.manufacturer` for LED API safety

* Added support for `ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar` that fixes `SnackBar` exceptions

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