Using your feedback, we have completely revamped the RICOH Spaces Insight tab to provide you with a handy panel of reports. In the Booking Occupancy Insights section, you can view and manage day-focused areas such as employees' status and active bookings.
The Booking Occupancy Report gives you answers to key questions such as:
What is the daily summary for today?
Which employees have bookings on the date selected?
What bookings do they have?
Do I need to assign them any further bookings such as a locker?
Do I need to release bookings on behalf of anyone?
Are they onsite now? What is their current status – expected, checked in, checked out?
What is their phone number in case I need to contact them?
What is their car registration so I may check it against parked cars?
Key elements of Booking Occupancy
Search Bar: You can search for employees using the search bar at the top
Location: Select a location using the Location drop-down menu at the right side of the search bar.
Date: Select a date using the calendar view by clicking on the current date or use the left and right arrows.
There are 3 filters you can use:
In Office/ Expected: List of employees that are expected/ are on site today
Not in office: Employees who are not expected. It includes people working from home, working from elsewhere, out of the office or without a status set.
All: All employees for that location.
Daily Stats: Click on Daily stats to have a snapshot of the current day's stats.
To display or remove some columns, use the Edit Columns button.
Employees: Full name and email address.
Roles: their role/s in RICOH Spaces.
Status: Whether they have checked in/Checked-out or are expected.
Checked-in: the time they checked in.
Checked-out: the time they checked out.
Bookings: icons representing the different bookings; desk, parking, locker, room.
Desk: The desk booking information: name of the desk, location and slot booked.
Parking: The parking booking information: name of the parking, location and slot booked.
Locker: The locker booking information: name of the locker, location and slot booked.
Room: The room booking information: name of the room, location and slot booked.
Job Title: The employee's job title.
Phone: The employee's phone number.
View: It opens a new window with all the information listed above.
Export: Export all the data in a .CSV file format.
Change status:
Use the status dropdown menu to change the status of a user.
Assign a space:
Click on Assign to get a user a desk, parking or locker.
Release a booking:
Click on a booking to open a new window and release the space.