Editing a Meeting
Written by Kiren Dosanjh-Dixon
Updated over a week ago

Moving your meeting to a new date, room, floor or location is simple with the RICOH Spaces Event Panel. Let us show you how it!

Note: There are multiple ways you can find and edit your meeting booking. In this example, we are using the Schedule.

Editing a meeting

1. Head to the Schedule and find your meeting.

2. Click on it and hit the Pen icon in order to edit your meeting.

Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 16.44.27.png

3. Edit the field with the updated information. (e.g. date, location, attendees, host, etc).

Note: You can also add services such as catering, equipment, and layout.

To change the room, simply click on the 3 dots at the right of the room, select delete space and select a new one.

Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 16.44.48.png

4. Once you have made all the changes you wanted. Hit Update Event.

Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 16.45.00.png

5. Your event will be updated with the latest information.

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